Wuchsform und Lebensgeschichte von Dictamnus albus L. (Rutaceae)
1. Beitrag zur Wuchsform und Biologie der Gefäßpflanzen des hercynischen Raumes
Dictamnus albus is a hemicryptophytic, summergreen, erosulate forb with pleiocorm (pseudorhizome ); deep reaching, allo-homorhizic radication, thick storage roots, closed innovation buds, simple thyrsic or botrytic polytelic inflorescence, low seed production (about 50 seeds per inflorescence) and subterranean germination.
Literature data on root suckers are not confirmed. The juvenile stage lasts 5-7 years. The potential duration of life is at least 30 years. Survival of populations by the exclusively generative propagation is secured on dry, slightly eroded limestone soils at margins of xerotherrnic oak forests.lt is strongly supported by slight disturbance (removing of shrubs ).