Vegetationsentwicklung auf einjährigen Brachen in der Dübener Heide
In 1994 the vegetation of 26 abandoned fields was investigated by means of the BRAUN-BLANQUET method.
The results are compiled in a vegetation table.
The soils ofthese abandoned fields are generally sandy and of a low pH value. The vegetationwas dominated by weeds. The weed vegetation belongs to two plant communities: Aphano-Matricarietum (14 fields) and Teesdalia-Arnoseridetum (12 fields).
The vegetation table was used to calculate the average indicator values of soil acidity, nitrogen and moisture according to ELLENBERG et al. (1991).
Abandoned fields which are covered by the Teesdalio-Amoseridetum are characterized by lower vegetation density and poorer soils. These results correspond with the average indicator values according to ELLENBERG.
Numerous rare and endangered species were found.
The meaning of abandoned fields for agriculture and nature protection is discussed.