Eine Methode zur quantitativen Beschreibung von Mikrorelief und Rauhigkeit der Bodenoberfläche als Komponente des Raumwiderstandes für epigäische Tiere


  • Volkmar Kuschka
  • Frieder Tonn


The spatial resistance is defined as the environmental resistance which counteracts against the locomotional activity of animals in their habitat. Roughness and microrelief of the soil surface demands an additional energetical expense from epigaeic animals forcing them to walk a roundabout way compared to the linear distance between two points (partial relative detour qv). In the procedure introduced for the measurement of partial
relative detour on soil surface, black and white photographs of soil surface profiles are converted into two-dimensional
graphs and analyzed by geostatistical methods. Here the step-width of the animal is used as a scale for the measurement of the partial relative detour on the profile graph. Using geostatistical simulation, more profiles with the same statistical attributes could be generated from the original profile graphs, which reduces the expense of sample-taking. It is demonstrated that these simulated profiles are suitable for the measurement of the partial relative detour of certain animals.





