Der Graulemming Lagurus lagurus (PALLAS, 1773) im Weichselspätglazial des Saalegebietes und seine Umwelt
Lagurus lagurus, Weichselspätglazial, Saalegebiet, Faunengemeinschaft, UmweltverhältnisseAbstract
Mania, D.: Lagurus lagurus (Pallas, 1773) in the Late Weichselian glacial of the Saale region and his environment. – Hercynia N.F. 40 (2007): 9–17.
Fossile vertebrate and mollusc faunas from the Late Weichselian were found in a fan of slope debris at the foot of a Bryozoa reef near Döbritz, Upper Valley of the Orla. The fauna contains Lagurus lagurus, a species exotic in Central Europe. With the help of sediment series and the succession of molluscs, a subdivision of the Late glacial and reconstruction of environmental and climatic conditions became possible. Accordingly, the Lagurus lagurus had lived in subarctic-boreal grass-steppes.